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Local News

To purchase a copy ring 01493 754136


Stokesby Fete 2024 A4.jpg




This years Beer Festival will take place over the weekend Fri. 27th, Sat. 28th, Sun. 29th, September 2024

Details of times and bands

to follow. 


Operation Randall was set up to provide Enforcement and Reassurance to the rural community in Norfolk.  
Operation Randall News Letters provide a range of information to the rural community regarding the latest crime trends and practical ways of reducing the risk of becoming a victim.
These will now be monthly newsletters.
7th July 2024 News Letter
4th June 2024 News Letter
3rd May 2024 News Letter
4th April 2024 News Letter
1st Feb2024 News Letter
2nd Jan 2024 News Letter
7th December 2023 News Letter
2nd November 2023 News Letter
2nd October 2023 News Letter
1st September2023 News Letter
1st August 2023 News Letter


Visit the Norfolk Trading Standards  Consumer Advice section for further information regarding the latest scams being used to steal our data and money, and how to avoid them

Stokesby has joined the growing number of villages that now has its own Community Speed Watch.


What Is Community Speed Watch?

Put simply, speed monitoring is carried out by trained volunteers from the community, with follow-up work on education and enforcement by Norfolk Safety Camera Partnership, Norfolk Police and your Local Authority.


Initially, letters are sent to registered keepers of offending vehicles asking for their assistance in keeping speeds down in your community, with persistent offenders targeted for police enforcement. Local Authority Road Safety staff can help with supporting initiatives, including the use of Speed Awareness Messaging Devices (SAM’s).


Speed watch signs have now been put up in Stokesby warning motorists that the scheme exists hoping that this will reduce the number of people who persistently speed through our village.


Occasionally the volunteers will be joined by police officers who can issue speeding tickets on the spot.


For more details about Speed Watch visit:


Speedwatch logo.png
Lloyds Mobile Banking
Acle Flexibus


Some Acle Flexibus journeys will no longer need to be pre-booked. On Monday to Friday, service 72a will call at Stokesby Green at 07.24 & 09.19 to Acle for the connections to Norwich or Great Yarmouth. Return buses will depart from Acle Kings Head at 13.35 17.05 and 18.15 calling to set down passengers as required.

All the above journeys are operated by 'Our Bus'


In addition, the 68 bus operated by Ambassador Travel on college days continues unchanged, calling at Stokesby at 08.05 towards Great Yarmouth and returning at 16.15. These journeys extent to, or from East Norfolk Sixth Form College in Gorleston.



If you are unable to visit your bank, most Post Offices offer a wide range of banking services covering most major banks












For details of the ‘Our Hire’ Routes
that  run through Stokesby please click on the link below which will take you to the Our Hire site with the latest time table.

Stokesby Bottle Bank

Although we can now recycle glass in our green bins, we still have our own bottle bank situated beside the sand store on the public staithe near to the children’s play area
We now have to contact the contractor who empties the bottle bank.
Please ring
01842 820804 if you notice that the bottle bank is near to being full.
Please use the bottle bank carefully.

In case of emergency there is a defibrillator situated by the entrance to the Ferry Inn

Stokesby Village Website created using

If you have items you wish included on the website please contact Richard Dixon 01493 754136

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